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Sabtu, 14 Januari 2012

Karakter Stronghold Crusader

Stronghold Crusader Logo
Setiap karakter di Stronghold Crusader memang mempunyai karakteristik masing-masing. Mulai dari jenis pasukan andalannya, senjata perang, kelebihan, kekurangan, dan tipe bentengnya. Karakter yang berasal dari Eropa meliputi Abbot, Emperor Frederick, King Philip, Marshall, Richard “The Lionheart”, Sheriff, The Pig, The Rat, The Snake, dan The Wolf. Karakter yang berasal dari Arab meliputi Caliph, Emir, Nizar, Saladin, Sultan, dan Wazir. Dibawah kita akan bahas lebih dalam tentang karakter-karakter tersebut.

1. Abbot
Stronghold Crusader Characters

Abbot sangat yakin bahwa dia bakal aman dan iman-nya melindunginya. Pasukan Black Monks dalam jumlah banyak siap untuk menggempur musuhnya!
Pasukan            : Archers, Black Monks
Senjata             : Ballista, Catapult
Benteng           : Bentuk segi 4 dengan dinding tebal, plus 4 atau 6 Square tower yang berisi Ballistas, terdapat parit yang tipis dibelakangnya. Dan parit api di sekitar bentengnya.
Kelebihan        : Dinding benteng yang tebal, sulit ditembus. Menyerang dengan Black Monks dalam jumlah besar.
Kelemahan      : Monks sangat rentan oleh serangan pemanah.
2. Emperor Frederick
Stronghold Crusader Characters

Sangat hebat dalam strategi di padang pasir. Jika ia menyerang, berhati-hatilah!
Pasukan           : Swordsmen, Knights, Crossbowmen, Archers
Senjata             : Mangonels, Trebuchets, Catapults
Benteng           : Bentuk segi 3 dengan beberapa Square Tower dan Define Turret yang diisi Mangonels yang ditaruh dibagian depan kastilnya. Kastil Emperor Frederick dijaga Crossbowmen dan Archers dalm jumlah sangat banyak, memakai jebakan kayu untuk perlindungan tambahan.
Kelebihan        : Swordmen nya berpatroli di sekitar kastil.
Kelemahan      : Lambat dalam membuat pasukan sehingga lambat menyerang.
3. King Philip
Stronghold Crusader Characters

Mencari Glory di padang pasir. Sangat ceroboh menggunakan Knights sebagai pasukan utama.
Pasukan           : Archers, Knights, Spearmen
Senjata            : Catapults, Mangonels, Trebuchets
Benteng           : Satu garis dinding tebal dan 2 Square Tower diisi Ballista. Dibelakangnya dikelilingi air tipis.
Kelebihan        : Pasukan Knights yang sang kuat. Dan ia beraksen Prancis.
Kelemahan      : Belakang kastilnya tidak di protect sehingga mudah terkena Fire Ballista. Membuang-buang Knights yang rentan serangan Archers.
4. Marshall
Stronghold Crusader Characters

Dia seorang petarung yang sudah pensiun. Hampir semua rencananya payah. Tapi Knights masih menjadi andalannya.
Pasukan           : Archers, Knights, Swordsmen
Senjata             : Catapults, Trebuchets
Benteng           : Kadang tertutup, kadang terbuka sama sekali. Bagian belakang kastil selalu terbuka sehingga gampang dibakar. Dilindungi bebrapa Defense Turret dengan Archers yang banyak.
Kelebihan        : Knights nya loyal dan siap tempur untuknya.
Kelemahan      : Serangan yang sering payah. Hanya dengan 3 swordsmen.
5. Richard "The Lionheart"
Stronghold Crusader Characters

Pemberani dan pantang menyerah. Tentaranya kuat, namun dalam hal pertahanan dia kurang.
Pasukan           : Archers, Pikemen, Swordsmen
Senjata             : Ballista, Battering Ram, Catapults, Mangonels, Trebuchets
Benteng           : Kotak atau persegi panjang dengan Square Tower yang diisi Archer dan Mangonel/Ballista di masing-masing sisi.
Kelebihan        : Swordsmen yang tangguh dan mantap menggunakan Catapults.
Kelemahan      : Swordsmen dan Pikemen nya lambat sehingga dapat diserang oleh Archers.
6. Sherrif
Stronghold Crusader Characters

Dia ialah orang yang paling kejam dari lainnya. Dan suka menggunakan kekerasan dan membiarkan rakyatnya tidak sejahtera. Ia menggunakan Pasukan Arab dan Tentara Salib.
Pasukan           : Assasins, Crossbowmen, Firethrowers, Maceman, Slaves (jika musuh menggunakan moat)
Senjata             : Catapults, Fire Ballistas
Benteng           : Dinding tebal berbentuk persegi dengan beberapa Defense Turret. Memakai parit api di bagian belakang.
Kelebihan        : Macemen nya menyerang dengan jumlah yangbanyak.
Kelemahan      : Dinding yang melindungi bangunannya sangat rendah sehingga mudah diserang Fire Ballista.
7. The Pig
Stronghold Crusader Characters

Dia brutal, bebal, dan rakus. Dia akan mencoba untuk merenggut ‘emas’ walau hanya dengan segelintir tentara..
Pasukan           : Crossbowmen, Macemen
Senjata             : Battering Ram, Catapults
Benteng           : Pertahanan sulit ditembus berbentuk persegi panjang denga 2 atau 3 Squae Tower yang berisi Crossbowmen. Memakai jebakan kayu di kastilnya.
Kelebihan        : Crossbowmen susah untuk dikalahkan.
Kelemahan      : Bangunan dalam kastilnya mudah dibakar.
8. The Rat
Stronghold Crusader Characters

Sangat payah dalam membangun kastil didukung dengan pasukan yang tidak kalah payahnya.
Pasukan           : Archers, Spearmen
Senjata             : -
Benteng           : Terdiri dari garis-garis yang tidak beraturan kayak labirin. Mudah diserang.
Kelebihan        : Hampir tidak ada.
Kelemahan      : Pertahanan maupun penyerangannya lemah.
9.The Snake
Stronghold Crusader Characters
Seperti namanya, ia kotor dan licik. Pertahanannya lumayan. Hati-hati dengan Slaves-nya yang siap membakar lahanmu!
Pasukan           : Arabian Archers, Archers, Laddermen, Spearmen, Slaves, Slingers
Senjata            : Catapult
Benteng           : Biasanya berbentuk S dan terdapat Defense Turret atau Perrimeter Turret dengan Archers yang banyak. Daerah yang tidak diberi dinding akan ditutupi oleh air.
Kelebihan        : Merusak bangunan dengan Slaves-nya yang suka membakar.
Kelemahan      : Menyerang dengan Spearmen yang payah dalam pertarungan.
10. The Wolf
Stronghold Crusader Characters

Ia maniak perang dan sulit untuk dikalahkan. Dia akan menggunakan strategi untuk memenangkan perang secepatnya.
Pasukan           : Arabian Horse Archers, Arabian Archers, Archers, Crossbowmen, Pikeman, Swordsmen
Senjata            : Ballistas, Catapults, Fire Ballistas, Mangonels, Trebuchets
Benteng           : Sulit untuk ditembus. Bentuknya bervariasi dengan dinding yang sangat tebal dan beberapa Square Tower dengan isi Ballista atau Mangonel. Jebakan api dan jebakan kayu nya berbahaya!
Kelebihan        : Tentaranya cukup tangguh.
Kelemahan      : Lambat mendirikan bentengnya. Sehingga memberimu cukup waktu untuk mempersiapkan pertahanan.
11. Caliph
Stronghold Crusader Characters

Kejam dan pedendam. Suka memaki dan dia pembawa kesengsaraan pada rakyatmu maupun rakyatnya.
Pasukan           : Arabian Archers, Arabian Horse Archers, Arabian Swordsmen, Fire Thrower, Slaves
Senjata             : Ballistas, Catapult
Benteng           : Persegi panjang dengan banyak Look Out Tower diisi banyak pemanah dan Fire Thrower plus Fire Ballista disekitar kastilnya. Dikelilingi banyak parit api dan itu sebuah bencana bagi musuh yang mendekat!
Kelebihan        : Fire Thrower dan Arabian Archers nya tangguh dalam pertahanan.
Kelemahan      : Kastilnya rentan serangan batu dari Catapults dan Trebuchets.
12. Emir
Stronghold Crusader Characters

Ia merupakan pemimpin yang baik. Satu-satunya pemimpin Arab yang menggunakan pasukan eropa (Archers). Dia pandai mengatur ekonomi sebagus cara menyerangnya.
Pasukan           : Archers, Arabian Archers, Arabian Horse Archers, Arabian Swordsmen
Senjata             : Catapult, Fire Ballistas, Mangonels
Benteng           : Berbentuk segi 8 dengan 3-7 Round Tower dan beberapa Look Out Tower. Hampir semua bangunannya di dalam.
Kelebihan        : Serangan kecil dengan 20an Arabian Swordsmen. Alhi mengatur ekonomi walau berkali-kali jatuh.
Kelemahan      : Bagian belakang kastil sangat lemah. Apabila gerbang telah diruntuhkan, akan mudah masuk kedalamnya.
13. Saladin
Stronghold Crusader Characters

Dengan Arabian Horse Archers nya, dia merupakan lawan yang tangguh!
Pasukan           : Arabian Archers, Arabian Horse Archers, Arabian Swordsmen, Assassins, Fire Thrower, Slaves
Senjata             : Ballista, Catapult, Fire Ballistas, Mangonels
Benteng           : Berbentuk dindning tebal persegi simetris yang merupakan pertahanan super kuat dibarengi dengan 4 Round Tower yang berisi Ballista atau Mangonels.
Kelebihan        : Arabian Horse Archers siap mengelilingi bentengmu. Kastilnya dijaga ketat.
Kelemahan      : Bangunan luarnya mudah dibakar dan tidak terproteksi.
14. Sultan
Stronghold Crusader Characters

Lebih seperti seorang penyair daripada seorang pejuang. Ia baik hati namun agak bermasalah dalam ekonominya. Rakyatnya sangat mencintainya.
Pasukan           : Arabian Archers, Arabian Swordsmen, Fire Thrower
Senjata             : -
Benteng           : Berbentuk lingkaran dengan 2 atau 3 Look Out Tower diisi Slingers. Pemanahnya hanya pada dalam kastil.
Kelebihan        : Prajuritnya loyal. Sering bersyair.
Kelemahan      : Ekonomi dan pertahanan lemah. Ia tidak memiliki ladang sehingga membuatnya boros emas.
15. Nizar
Stronghold Crusader Characters

Penuh kejutan pada taktiknya. Bentengnya yang seperti pulau hanya berfungsi pada dataran rendah dan sangat menjebak untuk diserang.
Pasukan           : Arabian Archers, Assassins, Slaves
Senjata            : Fire Ballista
Benteng           : Seperti maze yang terdiri dari air tanpa tembok dengan beberapa Round Towers dan Look Out Towers yang diisi Arabian Archers yang luarbiasa banyak dengan tambahan Fire Ballistas.
Kelebihan        : Assassins nya yang sangat banyak siap menyerang kastilmu!
Kelemahan      : Benteng tanpa tembok membuat rentan serangan Fire Ballista.
16. Wazir
Stronghold Crusader Characters

Pemimpin agama yang kejam dan tempramen buruk. Menjadi lawannya merupakan mimpi buruk!
Pasukan           : Arabian Archers, Arabian Horse Archers, Arabian Swordsmen, Fire Throwers, Slaves
Senjata            : Fire Ballista, Trebuchet
Benteng           : Bentuk bintang dengan Round Tower berisi Arabian Archers dan Look Out Tower berisi Fore Throwers pada sisinya. Arabian Horse Archers nya berpatroli setiap saat.
Kelebihan        : Arabian Horse Archers sangat banyak.
Kelemahan      : Ketika semua tentaranya dikerahkan untuk menyerang, itu merupakan kesalahan bersarnya.
For Newbie

Starting Out

When you first attempt to play Stronghold Crusader, you may have no idea what you are doing or you may know exactly what's going on. Either way, it takes skill like in any other game to get good at it. As soon as you begin a battle with any amount of opponents, you immediately need to place your granary, a marketplace, stockpile space (preferably in a rectangle formation), and your means of creating troops and an engineer's guild next to it. I prefer to use an Arabian lord with nothing but Arabian troops. I'll immediately place all of these buildings as quickly as I can along with any buildings that will have space taken up by others if I have allies fighting with me, such as iron and stone mines and farms. As soon as I have these placed, I get to work on my defenses. I start with square towers wherever my property's bounds are and where the enemy would most likely prefer to come at me from. Along with the towers, I'll mount either ballistas or mangonels in the towers depending on how close I am to an enemy's area. Practically all of the game's characters build castles with lots of stone and are very spread out or are very compact, so a mangonel would rip away at the tops of walls and towers and would destroy buildings quickly. Ballistas are very useful in defending your castle from distant soldiers and siege equipment like catapults. Soldiers that move slowly can take lots of damage and deal lots, so ballistas that fire from a far distance can do lots of damage to heavier troops that may become a threat to your lighter defenders on your walls. Along with these I place anywhere between 15 and 30 Arabian archers in each tower with braziers. The braziers make all of the difference due to the fact that they help the archers do more damage and allow them to set fire to the pitch that you place in the ground. You can use any method of defending your lord, but the idea of castles seems to allow your enemies to get as close to your important buildings as possible. The use of towers along boundaries keeps enemy troops at bay and doesn't let them near your inner castle. I always tend to then use any other stone to build walls that connect my towers and I then build a large, thick wall around my entire castle. Give yourself plenty of room and build quickly because if you have allies, they may choose to build wherever they want, even on your resources even though it's a pain in the butt and it may take your room. Set things up quickly, get plenty of room, and your allies will take care of themselves, DON'T WORRY ABOUT THEM!!

More examples

Wheat and hops farms provide food, popularity enhancement, and money
Stone sells for a high price and is a good way to make money
Sell other items like hops, ale, wheat, and flour every now and then to loosen up your stockpile

Further Advancement

When you finally have a grasp on your defenses and main parts of your stronghold, you can begin to build more productive buildings. I always start battles with the Deathmatch setting and give both the enemy and I 10,000 gold. With Deathmatch, you get lots of resources and 200 bread as starting food, so be sure to place your granary quickly but take your time in setting your defences. I always use nothing but bread for food because it's made quickly and in larger quantities than apple or cheese farms. Hunter's Posts are an ok option, but your hunters are always at risk of being killed unless there are deer inside your keep if you decide to close yourself off completely. Wheat farms are 15 wood to build and are smaller than other farms, so i place anywhere around 5-7 wheat farms and 1 or 2 mills to obtain flour. I then place (this is all over a short period of time as well) about 8-16 bakeries depending on the number of people I currently have. The number will most likely grow in the future to provide room for more troops, so I always add more granary space and buy bread in the beginning if the bakeries don't start baking fast enough. Once you have food coming in, you can start gathering more resources like wood, stone, and iron.If you ever run low on building materials, don't feel afraid to spend a little gold to buy the needed materials, you'll get plenty more later on when you have things placed. If you are on a map that his limited space for placing mines and woodcutter huts, which is usually the case, you may have to conserve space and manage it carefully. Try to squeeze in as many mines as possible and don't forget to place at least 2 ox tethers for each stone mine. Things can often get crammed in, so make sure all of the mines are accessible from at least one way. You're now beginning to make a living and are starting to raise gold for your army. Now you can start to do other things like set up inns and breweries to serve ale to your people that will greatly increase your popularity. With extra boosts like that, you can increase taxes to bring in even more money. From here, just continue to make money and watch your stockpile, granary, and defenses. It's time to start planning on how to take out your enemies.

Attack Techniques

Catapults are the most effective siege engines

Fighting against the Rat, Snake, Sultan, or Lionheart

These 4 characters are the lowest on the difficulty chart in the game. They are good starters to practice on before you attempt harder enemies. Their castle structures are either small or poor in construction and they don't have a very well grasp on castle building tactics. The Rat in particular, may send lots of troops your way but he only sends spearmen and archers who are very weak and only are good in groups. He sends them in lines that can be easily picked off and he never sends siege units, so there's no need to worry about catapult fire. If you are against the Rat, just be sure that you build up enough defenses and be aware of his raids because they can become very annoying. When you're ready to attack him, follow these guidelines:
  • Build up an army of about 20-40 or more swordsmen
  • Get together anywhere between 10 and 20 catapults or 5-10 trebuchets (within range of his castle)
  • Try to set his castle on fire if you want (mostly because it's fun to watch any castle burn to the ground!)
  • Get together a small band of horse archers, maybe 20-30 and circle around his castle to pick off any archers that may be a threat to your entrance into the castle
After you've done these tasks, proceed to take him down. Move in with the catapults and take out a section of his wall, preferably where it is close to his keep so you can make it in quickly. Keep in mind also that any enemy, smart or stupid, will be unfortunately smart enough to try to rebuild what you rip down with your catapults. Keep firing at them until they run out of stone and make sure that you refill your catapults with rocks every now and then. You also need stone to get rocks so save some up in your stockpile before you go to attack their wall. After you've managed to break your way through, proceed to take out more of their castle and watch your ammo on your catapults. I can't stress this enough to everyone who reads this because you could be full on second and the next you could be empty so watch the ammo!

Stronghold Crusader


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